Cause for War: Do the Chinese Government’s Technology Transfer Policies Even Work? We seem to be at the brink of a trade war, with the Trump administration’s planned tariffs based on the section 301 investigation, China’s response, and Trump’s response to that… The main justification for the US tariffs is the Chinese government’s “technology for […]
Author: Fatih
My op-ed in Dünya…
Today’s Dünya (“The World”- Business daily in Turkish) has an op-ed by me on the problems of the Chinese economy: It is basically an attempt to put the problems of the Chinese economy into a sound perspective by categorizing them into 3 groups, policy related; conjectural; structural. I hope to have an English version here […]
My book is out…
The book is in Turkish. The title in English is, China: The New Great Power & Changing World Balances. It is a book easily accessible to the lay reader but with its extensive end-notes and bibliography, will be a guide for those who want to do research on the subjects covered.